Archive Category: Articles

Healthcare Data as a Public Utility: How Do We Get There?

NYeC News: Vol 72: JUNE 23, 2016

Forty-six million Americans use mobile fitness and health apps. Over half of providers serving Medicare or Medicaid patients are using electronic health records (EHRs). Despite such advances and proliferation of health data and its collection, we are not yet on an inevitable path to unleashing the often-promised “power of data” because data remain proprietary and fragmented among insurers, providers, health record companies, government agencies, and researchers.

Healthcare Data as a Public Utility: How Do We Get There?

NYeC News: Vol 72: JUNE 23, 2016 Forty-six million Americans use mobile fitness and health apps. Over half of providers serving Medicare or Medicaid patients are using electronic health records (EHRs). Despite such advances and proliferation of health data and its collection, we are not yet on an inevitable path to unleashing the often-promised “power Healthcare Data as a Public Utility: How Do We Get There?

eHealth Forum Brings International Perspectives and Solutions to Local Healthcare Issues

NYeC News: Vol 66: January 4, 2016

With our partners Sutherland Healthcare Solutions, NYeC recently hosted an invitation-only forum, “An International Dialog on Using Health Information to Improve Care,” to discuss how the delivery of high-quality, lower-cost medical care has come to require new tools, practices, and ways of thinking. Secretary of the Australia Department of Health, Martin Bowles, keynoted the event.

HealtheConnections Enables Health Information Exchange with Department Of Defense

HealtheConnections and Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization (FDRHPO) are pleased to announce the enabling of secure access to vital medical information for active-duty military and their families between the Department of Defense (DoD) systems used by Fort Drum MEDDAC and regional healthcare providers using HealtheConnections regional health information exchange (HIE). Through the collaboration with HealtheConnections Enables Health Information Exchange with Department Of Defense

CMS Extends PQRS 2016 Informal Review Request Deadline

CMS has extended the 2016 informal review period to November 23, 2015. This enables individual providers, Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) sites, group practices, and ACOs—those that received notice that they will receive a negative payment adjustment for their Medicare part B billing in 2016, based on their 2014 PQRS reporting status—to request an informal review from CMS.

Health Data Exchange Increasing Among Hospitals, Report Finds

Overall health information exchange among hospitals has increased, but less than 25% of hospitals in 2014 had the capability to find, send, receive, and use data from sources outside of their network, according to a report from the American Hospital Association and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Health Data Management reports (Slabodkin, Health Data Management, 8/12).