NYeC News: Proposed Changes to MU, HIE Adoption Incentives, & More

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NYeC News: Proposed Changes to MU, HIE Adoption Incentives, & More

NYeC NEWS : VOLUME 92 : MAY 31, 2018

In this month’s newsletter, we discuss CMS’s proposed changes to the Meaningful Use Program. The proposed changes reflect CMS’s focus on interoperability, patient data access, and system-wide health information exchange. As a part of this effort, CMS has renamed the program to Promoting Interoperability (PI). Additionally, we provide information on the incentives we offer for health information exchange (HIE) adoption through the Data Exchange Incentive Program (DEIP). You’ll also learn more about our 2018 Gala & Awards and opportunities to join our team!

Other top headlines in this month’s newsletter include news from HealtheConnections and HEALTHeLINK as well as articles on the last decade in health IT, the future of healthcare data analytics, and home-based telehealth.

Also stay up to date on NYeC’s Healthcare Advisory Professional Services (HAPS) team and learn more about Partner Events and Opportunities.