NYeC News: SHIN-NY 2020 Roadmap, Gala & Awards Emcee, & More

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NYeC NEWS : VOLUME 84 : OCTOBER 6, 2017 

In this month’s newsletter, we’re thrilled to announce the SHIN-NY 2020 Roadmap! Over the past several months, NYeC has been working closely with our stakeholders, partners, the eight Qualified Entities, and the State to develop a multi-year Roadmap to define the continued evolution of the Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY).

Additionally, we’re pleased to announce that NY1 News‘ Health Reporter Erin Billups will emcee our sixth annual Gala & Awards.

Other top headlines in this month’s newsletter include news from HealtheConnectionsHEALTHeLINK, and Healthix, a look at what’s next for health information exchange, and other industry events.

Also stay up to date on NYeC’s Healthcare Advisory Professional Services (HAPS) team.