NYeC Submits Comments in Response to IPPS Fiscal Year 2021 Rule

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On July 10, 2020, the New York eHealth Collaborative submitted comments on the proposed Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Fiscal Year 2021 rule.

Highlights of our comment letter:

  • We support CMS proposals that would progressively phase‐in the reporting of eCQM data reporting and extend as optional the PDMP and EHR integration.
  • CMS could strengthen quality measurement by further promoting HIE usage and learning from New York’s experience.
  • Investment, support, and incentives for non‐Meaningful Use (MU), left‐behind sectors including LTPAC, is critically needed to truly transform healthcare and improve quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries.
  • CMS and federal agencies must do more to ensure adherence with standards on race and ethnicity to support work to address health disparities in both COVID‐19 and more broadly.
  • While we support patient access to their health records, we remain concerned about how clinical data will be used in a non‐HIPAA environment and encourage more work in this area.

“NYeC looks forward to continued collaboration with CMS in advancing nationwide interoperability, improving healthcare delivery and health of our communities, and facilitating patient access to their health information.”

Read the full comments here.