Rochester RHIO Supports FLPPS in Laying Groundwork for Supporting DSRIP

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Transforming the healthcare system isn’t easy work. It’s all about innovation and collaboration, and you can’t have one without the other.

In a world where politics easily divide, two organizations, Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) and the Rochester RHIO, have come together to create critical interoperability solutions for one of New York State’s ambitious healthcare initiatives: Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program.

Under DSRIP Project 2ai, Rochester RHIO is directly working with FLPPS, and each of its partners, in the development of a number of unique IDS (Integrated Delivery System) Connectivity Plans. The Rochester RHIO’s health information exchange (HIE) will be the foundation that supports IT interconnectivity amongst engaged FLPPS partners.

Care network organizations that are not traditionally part of the medical model, but integral to patient care, will be able to participate in RHIO’s HIE network and access RHIO services. This includes access to clinical data from ambulatory care settings, care plan summaries, and patient demographics. Previously, technology was not in place to support data sharing between different types of organizations.