Securely Linking Regional HIEs Statewide: Why Consistent Privacy, Security Policies Matter in NY

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As 10 regional health information exchanges in New York become interconnected into a statewide network, consistency in core privacy and security policies is proving essential, says David Whitlinger, Executive Director of the statewide initiative.

The New York State Legislature recently voted to provide $55 million to fund the Statewide Health Information Network of New York, or SHIN-NY. The funds will help link the state’s 10 regional health information exchanges, in effect creating a public utility of networked, interconnected electronic health records, says Whitlinger, Executive Director of the New York eHealth Collaborative, which coordinated the development of the SHIN-NY in conjunction with the New York State Department of Health.

Because New York planned the development of a statewide network over several years, it has robust security and privacy policies in place, Whitlinger explains in an interview with Information Security Media Group.

Read more and listen to the podcast.

(Courtesy of Healthcare Info Security)